Flora Mānuka Honey is produced by a sustainable, eco-friendly, 100% Maori-owned honey operation in New Zealand. The honey is sourced from several North Island locations and is licensed and certified under the UMF™ grading system as well as tested and rated for its MGO (methylglyoxal) content. Additionally, every jar is 100% traceable, all the way back to the source. Just scan the code on the label to learn where your honey was made, its lab test results, and its UMF™ rating.
Guaranteed Purity & Quality:
About UMF™
Flora Mānuka Honey is licensed by the Unique Mānuka Factor Honey Association™ in New Zealand. This is an internationally recognized, third-party verification system that ensures the identity, potency, and quality of Mānuka honey. UMF™ graded products have been tested for three signature compounds that are all needed to ensure the honey is real Mānuka honey made from Leptospermum scoparium flowers: Leptosperin, DHA (Dihydroxyacetone) and Methylglyoxal (MGO). The higher the UMF™ grading number on the product, the higher the concentration of signature compounds found in Mānuka honey.
Мед манука.
Хранить при комнатной температуре.
Не подходит для младенцев младше 1 года.
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